December 10 – Soroptimist International President’s Appeal Day

Traditionally, SI York Region collects money for the Soroptimist International President’s Appeal at our November meeting.

December 10th  is designated as the day that Soroptimist members throughout the World donate their coffee or lunch money to a project chosen by the International President.   The current President, Alice Wells, has chosen Birthing in the Pacific as her project.  Here is a link to information about the project –

In particular, this linked pdf describes what the money donated will be  used to achieve –

“Although the latest UN Statistics reported a trend that there are fewer women dying from complications of pregnancy and childbirth, globally there are still 1,000 women dying a day due to pregnancy and childbirth complications. That is like two giant jumbo jets full of women crashing down daily or 41 women dying every hour and yet no one hears about this. It’s not breaking news. But if a small 12-passenger plane crashes the news is featured on TV around the globe.” (Julie Marsaban, SISWP)


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